Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 22nd

I've started to run with the UCU team and am regretting not running with them earlier. They are fast! One guy is sub 4 minute mile. So pretty much I run with the girls and still get owned. I should be running some meets soon, which will be hilarious. Apparently when a white man runs everyone expects them to be last so they cheer for him/her out of pity. The guys are a hoot! They complain through all of the work out and then, when they hear they are almost done, they run like they haven't been pushed at all. They pray after each run, holding hands in a circle. It's sad that I'm falling in love with running only to drop it in a month.

So I was talking to my dad about North Korea's "unprovoked" shelling of that South Korean island. He corrected me. Apparently when you look at Chinese newspapers (in English) they say that North Korea had sent a manifesto to the world saying that they would not tolerate other nations entering their waters, and would treat such as an invasion. Turns out American missiles landed in their boundaries and they held true to their promise. Moral of the story: read both sides of the argument before forming a conclusion.

Recently I've been applying this with Libya, reading an Arab newspaper named Al Jezeera. It's so interesting! Reading it suddenly makes the conflict extremely complex, bringing up so many new arguments than you get from CNN/FOX/NBC.

My video/website is hobbling along. I'm finding that I was not made to work on a computer. My stamina is straight-up embarrassing.

Great news! Ugandan elders usually serve as local missionaries for the months that they would be waiting for their visas. I might get to do that! How awesome is that. I would serve for a few months (with a tag and everything) until I got my visa for Brazil, and then go to Sao Paulo. I'm definitely banking on this option.

Other than that, life is same old, same old. Our fam is heading to Murchison Falls today for a 3 day safari. Personally, I like the deficiency zoos, but since your in Africa apparently you need to go on one. Should have some fun stories from that soon!

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